Doing Business
Montgomery County is pleased to offer a broad range of services to businesses and job seekers.
If you represent a company that is doing business in Montgomery County, would like to start a business in the county, or are interested in relocating your business to the county, and want to learn about what the county can do to help your business, please visit our Commerce Department page.
If you wish to do business with the county by submitting a response to a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), or to search open solicitations issued by the county, please visit our Purchasing Department page.
If you are looking for a job or for training programs to improve your chances of getting a job, please visit our Jobs and Training program managed by our Commerce Department.
If you are interested in learning about how to apply for a position with the county, please visit our Human Resources Department page.
We look forward to helping you and your business succeed!
Find out how the Commerce Department helps residents and employers in Montgomery County reach their economic potential.
Bidder Requirements
Discover what the Purchasing Department requires for all bids submitted to the county.
Requests for Proposal / Bids
Stay up to date with all the latest proposals and bids issued by Montgomery County.